I love the experiences I am having while perusing the internet. I've met so many wonderful people who mean the world to me. What makes someone particularly special to me is their love of animals and efforts they have engaged in to rescue, save and place abandoned animals. As I visit different sites here, and read the words of others, I am constantly struck with the deep and sincere heart of so many. I am very greatful as I have harbored a disappointment in my fellow humans for, what I perceived, a huge lack in empathy for other sentient beings. I am, daily, being pleasantly surprised that my feelings are not as wide spread or correct as I had thought.
Chatkath...Kathy Tinney. A wonderfully loving woman who is giving so much of herself and her resources to help animals in need. This site, The Kat's Tale..is but one of her efforts to do just that. She is a wonderful woman who does without so that others (cats!!) can have a better life. She is also an excellent writer and, anyone reading this, should visit her on HubPages under her user name Chatkath.
We met on HP's as we share a common love for cats. This is how the world, in it's best possible being, should work. I guess some would call it "networking." I hadn't related to the term before ...thinking it another cliche' or 'latest and greatest' cool thing but...now, I see that it's true. Looking for and finding others who share interests and then working together, in many forms, to see that grow and become successful, is what "networking" is all about. So, we are networking here on The Kat's Tale!
To inform, educate, and introduce people to the wonderful world of cats. There are many misconceptions out there about our feline friends...many incorrect opinions and, basically, misunderstandings. Believe me, as you read Chatkath's hubs and blogs, and as you become familiar with the writings of others about cats; you'll learn that former beliefs (based on misinformation or 'rumor') are wrong. As time allows, I'll be adding to this site from my own observations, experiences and stories about the cats in my life; how they came into my life and what I gained by sharing my home with the many rescued cats I've been so lucky to have met.
Welcome to The Kat's Tale..a BIG thank you and HUG to Chatkath and, many well wishes to those who visit this site. Kathy aka Lucky Cat
Thank you so much Kathy "Lucky Cats" that means quite a bit coming from someone who rescues more homeless kitties in a month than I do in a year! Just think of the possibilities if everyone rescued an animal each year, whether that involves adoption, donating a bag of food or playing with kittens for a few hours. Reducing the suffering that these cats go through is the ultimate goal and involves spaying, neutering and then returning them to their home if possible. Some people with land have been kind enough to donate space for the rescued kitties to live out their lives without adding to the already overpopulated species.
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